Rhuan Quintanilha

Head of Mechanics and Industrial Designs

+55 21 99939-0327

Rhuan Quintanilha is a distinguished patent attorney, with a decade of experience working on patent prosecution. He holds two graduate degrees, in Mechanical Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering, as well as a postgraduate degree in Mobile Communications. Rhuan also has vast experience in providing technical assistance to litigation teams handling ICT and Mechanics cases.

Rhuan was a co-chairman of the Committee on Industrial Design Studies of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), from 2022 to 2024. He is a registered member of the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomics (CREA/RJ).


BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Postgraduate Degree in Mobile Communications from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

BSc in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA).



"Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) published the second edition of the Industrial Designs Guidelines" (Lexology, 2023).

"The impact of 5G implementation in the IP and other sectors in Brazil" (Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO), 2022).

"5G Technology in Brazil: The Biggest Auction in the World and Its Impacts in the Country" (IPO Newsletter, 2021).

"New guidelines for examining patent applications that involve computer-implemented inventions" (International Law Office (ILO), 2021).

"Brazilian PTO publishes Guidelines for Examining Patent Applications Involving Computer-Implemented Inventions" (Lexology, 2021).

"The use of trademarks and logos in industrial designs in Brazil" (The Patent Lawyer, 2020).


"Divulgação do programa nacional Mover traz expectativas para o aumento de depósitos de patentes voltadas à tecnologia verde" (Migalhas, 2024).

"Desenhos Industriais: Passado, Presente e Futuro" (ABPI Magazine, 2022).

"Brasil aprova o Acordo de Haia sobre registro de desenhos industriais" (Lexlatin, 2022).

"Brasil se alinha ao futuro das Invenções Implementadas em Computador" (Estadão, 2021).

"A importância das patentes essenciais nas telecomunicações" (Migalhas, 2020).



São Paulo
Rua Aziz Jabur Maluf 59
04041-040 São Paulo/SP
